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70% of B2B Marketers Use Infographics for Digital Marketing

70% of B2B Marketers use Infographics Statistic - Manage Business

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A lengthy written piece or infographics concerning the same subject, which are you more inclined to read? The latter is most likely to be the choice of many individuals. 

That is the potential of infographics. This is why a vast majority of B2B marketers, precisely 70% of them, use infographics as part of their content marketing strategy.

The Findings

Infographics have some visual components, including pictures, graphs, and statistics, and not much text. They grab the readers’ interest and keep them reading while delivering information effectively. 

We interviewed a group of content marketers from a range of different industries and asked them about their usage of infographics in their content. Almost 70% of them responded positively.

Why Use Graphics? 

Take into account the following facts on how the human mind stores information: 

  • Usually, individuals only retain 10% of the knowledge they are told three days after listening to it. They will remember about 65% of the data if an image connected to it is shown as they’re internalizing it. 
  • In research by Lionel Standing, Jerry Conezio, and Ralph Norman Haber, study participants were shown photos for about ten seconds apiece and were asked to recall the images later. The participants remembered 2000 of the 2500 photographs
  • Presentations with graphics and other visual aids were found to be 43% more compelling than those without. The University of Minnesota conducted this research. Infographics provide an excellent chance to stand out and enhance brand recognition.
  • When a discussion incorporated images, 67% of the participants believed the content was conveyed, according to research from the Wharton School of Business. The speakers who used visual elements in their presentations were thought to be the most efficient.

What Makes Infographics So Useful in B2B Marketing?

Professionals in B2B marketing realized this a few years ago and started focusing on visual content. In a poll conducted in 2016, nearly 51% of marketers claimed to be using visuals. 

According to a recent HubSpot study, infographics are among the visual marketing methods that 70% of businesses have utilized for their content marketing efforts.

Although it does not have to be like this, B2B marketing is sometimes thought of as dull and dreary. What assists with dwindling attention spans and data saturation is producing content that cuts through the noise. 

Infographics can aid in accomplishing that. People who need to understand a potential product as much as possible before deciding to buy it are among the intended audience for B2B marketing.

According to another survey, 65% of B2B marketers use infographics for digital marketing. In addition to being eye-catching, infographics are believed to boost website traffic by 12% and generate 3x greater shares compared to any other kind of content.

Infographics are a successful digital marketing tactic for a variety of reasons. They have a lot of potential as material. The most astounding data supporting that claim are the following:

  • As per a survey by Nielsen Norman Group, most online users will only read roughly 20% of the ordinary text displayed on the screen.
  • Most website visitors exit between 10 to 30 seconds. However, sites that appear valuable will keep visitors there longer.
  • In a 2002 study, color played a significant effect in helping students do better on tests, which is essential for information storage.

Benefits of Using Infographics 

Dating back to 2012, all brands seemed to be using infographics. However, most of them were made by novice designers and did not do much to persuade the audience. 

Even though anyone can build infographics, you will have to choose the right colors, fonts, graphics, and animation to create an infographic that inspires the viewers. With 2D and 3D motion graphics, you can create engaging infographics that bring the text to life. 

To assist you in carrying out your idea, we advise working with a digital marketing firm. Here are the top advantages of using infographics.

1. Consumers Enjoy Infographics 

To begin with, among the most noticeable advantages of producing and using infographics is that people find them appealing. Everyone knows that viewing images rather than plain text is more engaging in learning, concentration, and memory.

Our brains prefer visual content since it is simpler to process because we are visual creatures. According to a scientific study, humans react 40% more effectively and process visuals 90,000 times faster than text format.

2. An Excellent Narrative Medium 

Marketing messages with a narrative element are in high demand among consumers. When crafted effectively, creating a story allows you to portray your brand’s identity and, most significantly, create an emotional link with your customers.

3. Great Inbound Marketing

Infographics have a history of being successful at attracting visitors. They can quickly glance over an infographic, research the resources, and make up their narrative instead of reading a long blog post. The following three traits are present in an infographic that will attract quality backlinks:

  • Awe-inspiring design
  • statistics backed by research
  • widespread promotion

Making it as simple as possible for your users to share the infographic is a great approach to ensure that it receives a lot of views. This means that the infographic should have well-placed media-sharing icons. 

If you like, you can even integrate them directly into the infographic. To garner more backlinks, you can also provide an embed code that makes it simple for others to place the infographic on their websites. 

4. Easy Performance Monitoring 

This list of advantages of infographics concludes with the simplicity of tracking your outcomes. Like other marketing initiatives, tracking the success of your infographics doesn’t require a significant investment of time and money.

Platforms like Pinterest allow you to gauge how many impressions they cater to and how many clicks they generate back to your website. That said, all your infographics should be exciting, packed with information, and displayed in an easy-to-understand manner. 

How to Make Helpful Infographics?

Although the criteria for an efficient infographic can vary, some qualities can be found in most high-quality ones. Let’s talk about what makes a compelling infographic in general.

Discover your Consumer Base 

Infographics that are intended for a particular audience are typically the most effective. It will assist you in creating stellar infographics if narrow down your target audience. The degree of experience and ethnic heritage of your core demographic should also be taken into account.

Designing infographics around a trending subject is a common error. This has the negative side-effect of ignoring the intended audience. Understanding who your infographic is meant for is a necessary part of making one because not everyone will react to trends. 

Prioritize the Key Message 

Many infographics attempt to condense multiple subjects into a single representation. The viewers will find it challenging to understand because this makes it complicated. 

While still enticing your viewers, keep it straightforward and limited to one subject. Your infographic should preferably include one central message and a limited number of supplementary points that stem from it.

Offer Practical Advantages

Your audience should benefit from your infographics. Consider it this way: Your audience has a concern, and it is your responsibility to provide an answer. Before developing an infographic, consider how your client will gain from it.

Any content marketing, particularly infographics, ought to provide measurable results to the audience. The viewer should be able to learn from it, whether you are outlining significant new research or demystifying a complex idea.

Use Factual Data 

Factual data is among an infographic’s essential components. Infographics frequently contain statistics, research, and polls. Finding reliable materials to support your arguments is very crucial.

Your sources must be authentic and correctly mentioned, just like in academic writing. Your reputation may suffer if the information is inaccurate or insufficient.

If it does not disrupt the flow, you can refer to your sources by including the pertinent URLs at the bottom or inside the infographic’s body.

Use Short-forms 

Readers can easily process information when presented in short copy or short form. While words should be present in your infographic, restrict them to a reasonable level.

The most successful infographics harmonize text with images. Facts and figures are excellent components to add to your infographic. They often only contain one or two lines and rapidly pique the reader’s interest.

Make your titles and bullet points catchy by using succinct, descriptive language. The audience will be intrigued to learn more as a result.

Wrap Up 

In the long run, your chance of attracting and retaining attention will increase if your infographic contains the above-mentioned components. Making an effective infographic has a learning curve, so you could find yourself modifying a number of elements at first. However, following these suggestions can gradually cement your idea and aim.

About the author

Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., a distinguished legal scholar with a business law degree and a Doctor of Juridical Science, is a leading expert in business registration and diverse business departments. Renowned for his academic excellence and practical insights, Dr. O'Neill guides businesses through legal complexities, offering invaluable expertise in compliance, corporate governance, and registration processes.

As an accomplished author, his forthcoming book is anticipated to be a comprehensive guide for navigating the dynamic intersection of law and business, providing clarity and practical wisdom for entrepreneurs and legal professionals alike. With a commitment to legal excellence, Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., is a trusted authority dedicated to empowering businesses within the ever-evolving legal landscape.
