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How Much Does it Cost to Start an LLC in Wyoming?

Cost to Form an LLC in Wyoming

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Forming an LLC in Wyoming may seem like a daunting financial endeavor at first glance, but fear not because we’re here to guide you through the process while shedding light on the associated costs. 

Contrary to popular belief, establishing your business entity in the Cowboy State doesn’t have to be prohibitively expensive. In fact, it can be a cost-effective and strategic move for your entrepreneurial endeavors. Plus, we’ll introduce you to valuable LLC services, like ZenBusiness, that can help you navigate the intricate landscape of LLC formation while keeping your expenses in check. 

So, let’s dive into the details and discover how you can embark on your Wyoming LLC journey without breaking the bank.

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What Is the Cost of Forming an LLC in Wyoming?

The cost of forming an LLC in Wyoming is $100. This is the filing fee for the Articles of Organization, which is the document that officially registers your LLC with the Wyoming Secretary of State. You can file the Articles of Organization online or by mail. If you file online, there’s an additional $2 convenience fee.

Here’s the LLC Cost Guide for all US States:

Wyoming Foreign LLC Formation Costs

Should you already possess an LLC registered in a different state and have aspirations of extending your business operations into the picturesque landscapes of Wyoming, the requirement is to officially register your existing LLC as a foreign entity within the state.

The fee associated with the registration process for a Wyoming foreign LLC totals $150. To accomplish this, you’ll need to submit an Application for a Certificate of Authority to the appropriate authorities.

Annual Cost for LLCs in Wyomin

To operate a successful Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Wyoming, it’s crucial to comprehend and satisfy the continuous obligations necessary for legal compliance and maintaining a solid standing. 

These primary ongoing requirements for a Wyoming LLC include filing an annual report, which costs $60 or 2/10 of one mill on the dollar (whichever is greater based on Wyoming assets), renewing the trade name every 10 years at a fee of $50, and designating a registered agent, who can be yourself or a professional service costing approximately $100–$300 annually. 

By fulfilling these ongoing requirements and adhering to relevant regulations, you can safeguard the legal and financial integrity of your Wyoming LLC.

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How Much Does It Cost to Start an LLC in Wyoming With the Best LLC Service? 

ZenBusiness LLC Formation Cost

The initial cost for initiating the formation of an LLC in Wyoming commences at $100 and may vary depending on additional services selected. Regarding processing duration, the standard timeframe for LLC formation is 2 to 3 weeks. However, clients have the option to expedite this process, with a 7 to 9-day expedited service available for an additional fee of $50 or a more rapid 4 to 5-day rush service for $100.

ZenBusiness presents three pricing tiers for its business formation services: Starter, Pro, and Premium.

  • Starter plan: The ideal for fundamental business formation requirements comes at a cost of $0, exclusive of state fees.
  • Pro plan: For those seeking enhanced services, the offers expedited filing and registered agent assistance at a price of $199, in addition to state fees.
  • Premium plan: The most comprehensive option, encompasses all features of the Pro plan and adds unlimited Worry-Free Compliance, facilitating businesses in adhering to both state and federal regulations. The Premium plan is available for $349, not including state fees.

Additionally, ZenBusiness sweetens the deal by providing a complementary year of Worry-Free Compliance with the purchase of any plan.

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Additional Costs When Starting an LLC in Wyoming

Wyoming LLC Name Costs

Selecting a name for your Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Wyoming comes at no expense. The approval of your Wyoming LLC Name is included as part of the approval process for your Articles of Organization filing with no additional charges.

You may have encountered information online suggesting that LLC Name Reservations are obligatory, but this is generally not the case in most states. Most states typically do not mandate a Name Reservation as a prerequisite for LLC formation.

However, if you wish to secure a specific name for your LLC before formally establishing it, you can do so by submitting an Application for Reservation of Name and remitting a $50 filing fee. This allows you to reserve your desired name for a duration of up to 12 months ahead of the actual LLC formation.

Wyoming Registered Agent Costs

In Wyoming, there’s a registered agent Fee, which can either be $0 if you choose to fulfill this role yourself or have someone you know take on the responsibility, or it can amount to $125 annually if you opt to utilize a professional registered agent service. Wyoming state law mandates the appointment of a registered agent during the formation of your LLC.

A Wyoming registered agent, whether an individual or a company, serves as the recipient of legal documents and official state notifications on behalf of your LLC. It’s essential that your registered agent maintains a physical address within the state and is generally available during regular business hours.

If you decide to handle the registered agent duties personally or enlist someone you trust for this role, there are no additional charges involved. However, you do have the alternative of contracting a registered agent service, which typically ranges in cost from $100 to $300 per year. These registered agent service providers often offer additional beneficial business services and can help safeguard your privacy.

Engaging a registered agent service is advisable under the following circumstances:

  • You lack a physical address within the state, as Wyoming’s law mandates registered agents to possess a physical presence within the state.
  • You wish to maintain the confidentiality of your address, as certain registered agent service companies may allow you to utilize their address to keep your own address off public records.

Wyoming Operating Agreement Costs

There’s no fee associated with creating a Wyoming LLC Operating Agreement, which serves as a written contract outlining various aspects of LLC ownership, management, and profit distribution among its members. Both Single-Member and Multi-Member LLCs are advised to draft and maintain this document as part of their business records, ensuring that each member receives a copy. 

While many online platforms typically charge between $50 to $200 for the creation of such Operating Agreements, Wyoming itself does not impose any fee for this essential document.

Wyoming EIN Cost

The Wyoming LLC EIN Number, also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), serves essential purposes such as income tax filing, opening an LLC bank account, and employee hiring, if applicable. 

While some websites may charge for this service, obtaining an EIN for your LLC can be done free of charge through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) via a quick and straightforward online application process that typically takes only a few minutes to complete.

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Wyoming LLC Taxes

The annual cost of Wyoming LLC taxes can vary significantly due to the various types of taxes that owners are required to pay. These taxes encompass:

Federal Income Taxes

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers various tax treatment options for Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). 

In the case of Single-Member LLCs, the IRS categorizes them as Disregarded Entities, meaning the LLC itself doesn’t file federal income tax returns; instead, the owner of the Single-Member LLC handles tax filing and payments. The taxation method depends on the LLC’s ownership: individuals are taxed similarly to Sole Proprietorships, while corporate ownership results in taxation as a branch or division of the parent company.

Multi-Member LLC Taxes

When an LLC has two or more owners, it’s taxed as a Partnership. This involves filing a 1065 Partnership Return and providing LLC owners with Schedule K-1 forms, which report each owner’s share of profits. The income “flows through” to the owners, and they are individually responsible for paying income taxes on their personal tax returns (Form 1040).

Husband and Wife LLC Taxes

In certain states, such as community property states like Texas, a husband and wife LLC may choose to file taxes as a Single-Member LLC, known as a Qualified Joint Venture, rather than as a Multi-Member LLC. This option isn’t available in states like Wyoming, which are not community property states.

Electing Corporate Taxation

Instead of the default tax statuses, an LLC can opt for corporate taxation. There are two types of corporate elections: S-Corporation and C-Corporation. 

Filing Form 2553 with the IRS allows an LLC to be taxed as an S-Corporation, potentially saving businesses with established profits on self-employment taxes. However, this election often involves additional expenses and is typically suitable for more established businesses. 

Filing Form 8832 with the IRS enables an LLC to be taxed as a C-Corporation, which can benefit larger employers in terms of healthcare fringe benefits.

Wyoming State Income Tax for Wyoming LLCs

Wyoming is one of the few states without a state-level income tax. Single-Member and Multi-Member LLCs in Wyoming do not need to file state-level income tax returns. 

However, specific industries and business types may still be subject to other Wyoming business taxes, necessitating the services of an accountant for tax preparation and filing.

Local Income Tax for Wyoming LLCs

Depending on your location within Wyoming, you or your LLC may be obligated to file and pay income taxes at the local level, which could include municipalities, towns, cities, or counties. 

Hiring an accountant is recommended to ensure compliance with local income tax requirements, and contacting your local municipality can provide further insight into these obligations.

Wyoming Sales Tax

If your business sells products to consumers in Wyoming, you may need to collect sales tax and obtain a Seller’s Permit from the Wyoming Department of Revenue. A Seller’s Permit allows you to collect sales tax on retail sales within the state. Various terms, such as resale license or sales tax permit, may refer to the same permit. 

For more information and assistance, you can consult the Wyoming Department of Revenue to streamline sales tax processes.

Wyoming LLC Payroll Taxes

If your Wyoming LLC plans to hire employees, you’re required to handle payroll taxes. Payroll taxes encompass federal and state income tax withholding, Social Security and Medicare taxes, Federal Unemployment Taxes (FUTA), State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA), as well as local and county deductions and employee deductions. 

Setting up payroll, calculating and withholding these taxes, and submitting payments and filings to the relevant agencies are essential responsibilities for Wyoming employers. 

Due to the complexity of payroll tax calculations and potential penalties for errors, many businesses opt to seek assistance from payroll companies or accountants.

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Wyoming LLC Cost FAQs

How Much Does It Cost to Open an LLC in Wyoming?

The initial expense for establishing a Wyoming LLC amounts to $100, covering the one-time fee for filing the LLC Articles of Organization. Additional costs may be incurred based on your LLC’s industry and location, as some LLCs may require local business permits with varying fees. Moreover, depending on your LLC’s activities, the need for business insurance, such as business liability insurance, may also arise.

How Much Does an LLC in Wyoming Cost per Year?

Every Wyoming LLC is obligated to pay a $60 yearly fee for the Annual Report, also known as the Wyoming Annual License Tax, which must be remitted to the Secretary of State. This represents the sole state-mandated annual fee necessary to maintain your LLC’s good standing. Additionally, if you’ve enlisted the services of a registered agent, there’s typically an annual subscription fee, typically around $125. 

For certain LLCs, the requirement for a business license in Wyoming hinges on their industry and location, necessitating an examination with the local municipality to ascertain any annual renewal fees associated with the business permit.

Should I Hire an LLC Formation Service?

Forming your Wyoming LLC doesn’t necessitate the engagement of a professional service firm; you have the option to independently navigate the LLC formation procedures. Nevertheless, for those seeking a streamlined and accurate filing process, we suggest considering ZenBusiness

ZenBusiness provides outstanding customer support and offers complimentary registered agent services for the initial year. Furthermore, it also extends additional services, including the creation of an Operating Agreement and assistance with Annual License Tax filing.


To conclude, the cost of forming an LLC in Wyoming involves more than just the initial filing fee. It encompasses various financial aspects, including obtaining essential documents, engaging registered agents, and addressing critical components like operating agreements and EIN acquisition. Effective financial management in these areas is crucial, and this is where professional LLC services, such as ZenBusiness, prove invaluable.

With a clear understanding of these multifaceted costs and the support of ZenBusiness, entrepreneurs can embark on their Wyoming LLC journey with confidence, whether they’re starting a new business or expanding an existing one. 

Making informed financial decisions during the LLC formation process is key to achieving your entrepreneurial goals in Wyoming.

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About the author

Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., a distinguished legal scholar with a business law degree and a Doctor of Juridical Science, is a leading expert in business registration and diverse business departments. Renowned for his academic excellence and practical insights, Dr. O'Neill guides businesses through legal complexities, offering invaluable expertise in compliance, corporate governance, and registration processes.

As an accomplished author, his forthcoming book is anticipated to be a comprehensive guide for navigating the dynamic intersection of law and business, providing clarity and practical wisdom for entrepreneurs and legal professionals alike. With a commitment to legal excellence, Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., is a trusted authority dedicated to empowering businesses within the ever-evolving legal landscape.