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How to Form an Anonymous LLC In Rhode Island in 2024

How to Form an Anonymous LLC in Rhode Island

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Embarking on a business venture is both exhilarating and challenging. For entrepreneurs placing a premium on privacy, establishing an anonymous Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Rhode Island presents an appealing option. This strategic move enables business proprietors to shield their personal details, including names and addresses, from public disclosure in the LLC’s records.

There exist compelling reasons why opting for an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island can be advantageous. Not only does it afford protection for personal assets, but it also ensures privacy and serves as a deterrent against unwanted solicitations.

This article comprehensively explores the intricacies of establishing an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island. It delves into the requisite legal obligations, outlines the procedural steps, and examines the potential merits and drawbacks associated with this particular business structure.

Whether you are a burgeoning entrepreneur venturing into the realm of business ownership or an established business leader seeking avenues to fortify asset protection, this guide furnishes crucial insights to facilitate well-informed decisions regarding the creation of an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island.

Form an Anonymous LLC in Rhode Island with Northwest Registered Agent

What Is an Anonymous LLC?

An anonymous LLC is a form of business structure that can be established in Rhode Island, allowing owners to maintain their anonymity and keep their personal information confidential. This structure ensures that members can conduct their business without disclosing their identities in any public records while providing limited liability protection for their personal assets against the company’s debts and liabilities.

An anonymous LLC is an excellent option for individuals who value privacy and wish to segregate their personal assets from their business dealings. For example, high-profile entrepreneurs can use an anonymous LLC to keep their business activities separate from their personal life and protect themselves from potential legal liabilities.

However, it’s crucial to understand that while an anonymous LLC can provide protection and privacy, it’s not a means to evade taxes or engage in illegal activities. Anonymous LLCs in Rhode Island must comply with state laws and regulations, and the anonymity feature is not intended for illicit or fraudulent purposes.

Before forming an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island, it’s essential to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with state laws and regulations. It’s also important to maintain accurate records and uphold the integrity of anonymity by refraining from using it for unlawful activities.

Is It Possible to Create an Anonymous LLC in Rhode Island?

In Rhode Island, a double LLC structure involves creating two LLCs, where one LLC serves as the member or owner of the other LLC. This structure offers additional layers of anonymity and asset protection for the members or owners of the LLCs.

To establish an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island, an individual could create an LLC (Rhode Island LLC) and then create a second LLC (anonymous LLC) that would function as the member or owner of the first LLC.

By creating an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island, the member or owner of the second LLC can remain private and not be listed in the public record of the first LLC, ensuring anonymity for the individual.

It is essential to note that like any other LLC in Rhode Island, a double LLC structure requires filing articles of organization with the state, disclosing the name of the LLC and its registered agent. A double LLC can also offer asset protection because if the first LLC is sued, only the assets of the first LLC are at risk, not the assets of the second LLC.

However, it is crucial to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with Rhode Island state laws and any specific rules and regulations concerning anonymous LLCs. It is also important to be aware that different tax forms may need to be filed, and different taxes may need to be paid, depending on the state.

How to Form an Anonymous LLC in Rhode Island

If you want to establish an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Jurisdiction for Your Anonymous LLC

Rhode Island does not have specific laws for anonymous LLCs. However, some states, such as Delaware, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Nevada, allow for anonymous LLCs. Research the specific requirements of each state to determine which jurisdiction is best suited for your anonymous LLC.

Read more about the best anonymous LLC states:

Read about how to form an anonymous LLC in any US state:

Step 2: File Articles of Organization and Appoint a Registered Agent

To create your anonymous LLC, file articles of organization with the state and pay the required fees. You must also appoint a registered agent to handle legal correspondence on behalf of the LLC. Consider using a nominee service as your registered agent to maintain anonymity. You should also create an operating agreement for your LLC, which you can choose to keep confidential.

Use Northwest Registered Agent to form your LLC in Rhode Island.

Step 3: Establish a Traditional LLC in Rhode Island

After creating your anonymous LLC, you can establish a traditional LLC in Rhode Island by filing articles of organization and paying the necessary fees. Appoint a registered agent for this LLC, which can be the same as your anonymous LLC or a different one.

If you prioritize your privacy, contact Northwest Registered Agent when registering your anonymous business.

Step 4: Make the Anonymous LLC the Owner of the Rhode Island LLC

To maintain anonymity, you can list the anonymous LLC as the owner of the Rhode Island LLC in the articles of organization for the traditional LLC. This step is crucial in keeping the ownership of the LLC anonymous.

It is important to note that the process of forming an anonymous LLC may vary depending on the state you are forming it in. Additionally, there may be additional requirements and steps involved. It is always recommended to seek professional legal advice to ensure compliance with state laws.

Anonymous LLC Regulations in Rhode Island

Here are some of the key rules and regulations concerning LLCs in Rhode Island:


To form an LLC in Rhode Island, you must file Articles of Organization with the Rhode Island Secretary of State and pay the associated fees. The Articles of Organization must include the name and address of the LLC, the name and address of the registered agent, the purpose of the LLC, and the names and addresses of the LLC’s members or managers.

Name Requirements

The name of the LLC must be distinguishable from other business names registered in Rhode Island. Additionally, the name must include the words “Limited Liability Company,” “L.L.C.,” or “LLC.”

Registered Agent

All Rhode Island LLCs must have a registered agent who is authorized to accept legal papers on behalf of the LLC. The registered agent must be a resident of Rhode Island or a corporation authorized to do business in the state.

Use Northwest Registered Agent to register your LLCs.


An LLC can be managed by its members or by managers appointed by the members. The LLC’s operating agreement should outline the management structure and responsibilities.


Rhode Island LLCs are subject to state taxes, including a minimum annual franchise tax of $400. LLCs can also elect to be taxed as a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

Annual Reports

Rhode Island LLCs are required to file an Annual Report with the Secretary of State each year. The report must include information about the LLC’s members, managers, and registered agents.


LLCs can be dissolved voluntarily by the members or by court order. When an LLC is dissolved, its assets are used to pay off its debts, and any remaining assets are distributed to the members.

It’s important to note that LLC regulations can vary depending on the state and that this is not an exhaustive list of all the rules and regulations concerning LLCs in Rhode Island. It is recommended to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure compliance with all state regulations.

Pros and Cons of Anonymous LLCs in Rhode Island

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of anonymous LLCs in Rhode Island:


  • Asset protection: Anonymous LLCs can provide an extra layer of asset protection for the members or managers since their assets are not publicly associated with the LLC.
  • Reduced liability: Anonymous LLCs can reduce the risk of personal liability for the members or managers, as they are not publicly associated with the LLC.
  • Privacy: Anonymous LLCs offer privacy for the members or managers of the LLC, as their names and personal information are not publicly available.


  • Lack of transparency: Anonymous LLCs may be viewed as lacking transparency since the names and personal information of the members or managers are not publicly available.
  • Compliance issues: Anonymous LLCs may encounter compliance issues since some states may require the names and personal information of the members or managers to be publicly available.
  • Legal challenges: Anonymous LLCs may face legal challenges since it can be difficult to determine who is responsible for the LLC’s actions if the names and personal information of the members or managers are not publicly available.
  • Limited access to financial services: Anonymous LLCs may have limited access to financial services since banks and other financial institutions may require the names and personal information of the members or managers to open accounts or provide loans.

It’s important to note that while these are some of the pros and cons of anonymous LLCs in Rhode Island, each situation is unique and requires careful consideration. It’s always recommended to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure compliance with all state regulations and to make an informed decision.


Creating an anonymous LLC in Rhode Island can provide a shield for members or managers seeking privacy and asset protection. However, it is imperative to familiarize oneself with the state’s laws and regulations governing anonymous LLCs prior to establishment.

Anonymous LLCs may encounter challenges in terms of compliance and legal matters, potentially leading to restricted access to financial services. Seeking legal counsel is strongly advised to ensure adherence to state laws and proper formation of the anonymous LLC.

Moreover, maintaining transparency and compliance with state regulations is crucial to preempt any legal complications that may arise. While anonymous LLCs present an appealing option for those prioritizing privacy and asset safeguarding, a thorough evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages, coupled with a comprehensive understanding of the legal prerequisites, is essential before reaching a final decision.

For more information on anonymous businesses, explore our article on how to maintain anonymity as a business owner and how to hide business ownership.

About the author

Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., a distinguished legal scholar with a business law degree and a Doctor of Juridical Science, is a leading expert in business registration and diverse business departments. Renowned for his academic excellence and practical insights, Dr. O'Neill guides businesses through legal complexities, offering invaluable expertise in compliance, corporate governance, and registration processes.

As an accomplished author, his forthcoming book is anticipated to be a comprehensive guide for navigating the dynamic intersection of law and business, providing clarity and practical wisdom for entrepreneurs and legal professionals alike. With a commitment to legal excellence, Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., is a trusted authority dedicated to empowering businesses within the ever-evolving legal landscape.