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How to Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana in 2024

How to Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana

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In the state of Louisiana, the establishment of an anonymous LLC can afford a measure of confidentiality to the individuals associated with the company, as it avoids the public disclosure of their personal information. Nevertheless, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the precise laws and regulations governing the registration of LLCs in Louisiana.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive walkthrough of the steps involved in initiating an anonymous LLC in Louisiana. It will outline the state-specific legal requirements and illuminate the advantages and disadvantages associated with this particular business structure.

Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana with Northwest Registered Agent

What is an Anonymous LLC?

An anonymous LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a legal entity that separates personal and business assets. It allows the individuals involved in the company to remain anonymous by listing a registered agent or a separate legal entity, such as another LLC, as the public face of the company. This ensures that their names and personal information will not be publicly available in the LLC’s formation documents.

It’s important to note that while forming an anonymous LLC can provide some level of protection for personal information, it’s not a guarantee of complete anonymity. It’s also important to consider the potential legal and financial implications of forming an anonymous LLC, and to consult with a lawyer or financial advisor before making any decisions. 

Is it Possible to Create an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana?

Louisiana doesn’t have specific laws for anonymous LLCs, but you can achieve anonymity using a double LLC structure. This involves forming an anonymous LLC in a state that allows anonymous LLCs (e.g., Delaware, New Mexico, Wyoming, or Nevada) and creating a Louisiana LLC with the anonymous LLC as the owner.

Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana with Northwest Registered Agent

How to Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana

Follow these steps to form an anonymous LLC in Louisiana using the double LLC strategy:

Step 1: Choose a State for Anonymous LLC Formation

Select a state that allows anonymous LLCs, such as Delaware, New Mexico, Wyoming, or Nevada.

Step 2: Form the Anonymous LLC

File articles of organization, pay the required fees and choose a registered agent for the anonymous LLC. To maintain anonymity, use a nominee service as the registered agent.

Use Northwest Registered Agent to register your anonymous business.

Read about how to form an anonymous LLC in any US state:

Step 3: Form a Louisiana LLC

File articles of organization, pay the required fees and select a registered agent for your Louisiana LLC. Louisiana law requires that the registered agent has a physical street address in the state.

You can use Northwest Registered Agent to register for your Louisiana LLC.

Step 4: Anonymous LLC as Owner of Louisiana LLC

List the anonymous LLC as the owner in the Louisiana LLC’s articles of organization. This way, the names and personal information of the individuals involved in your Louisiana LLC will not be publicly available in the formation documents.

Step 5: Maintain Records of Transactions between Anonymous and Regular LLC

Keep accurate records of all transactions between the anonymous LLC and the Louisiana LLC to ensure compliance with state and federal laws.

Remember that the process may vary depending on the state, and seeking professional advice is recommended to ensure compliance with state laws.

Louisiana LLC Regulations

In Louisiana, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are governed by state laws and regulations. These rules and regulations establish the requirements for forming, managing, and dissolving LLCs. Key regulations concerning LLCs in Louisiana include:

Name Requirements

According to the Louisiana Revised Statutes (RS) 12:1301, the name of the LLC must include the words “Limited Liability Company,” or the abbreviation “L.L.C.” or “LLC.” The name should be distinguishable from other existing business names registered in the state.

Registered Agent

Louisiana law requires LLCs to designate a registered agent for service of process. The registered agent is responsible for receiving legal documents on behalf of the LLC. The agent must be either a resident of Louisiana or a business entity authorized to do business in the state, and they must have a physical street address in Louisiana (RS 12:1313).

Articles of Organization

To form an LLC, you must file Articles of Organization with the Louisiana Secretary of State (RS 12:1304). The document should include the following information:

  • The name of the LLC
  • The purpose of the LLC (optional)
  • The duration of the LLC (if not perpetual)
  • The address of the LLC’s principal office
  • The name and address of the registered agent
  • The name and address of the organizer(s)
  • Whether the LLC will be member-managed or manager-managed

Operating Agreement

While not required by Louisiana law, it’s recommended to have an operating agreement that outlines the rules, regulations, and provisions governing the management and operations of the LLC. The operating agreement can help avoid disputes among members and provide guidance on how the business should be run.

Annual Report

Louisiana LLCs are required to file an annual report with the Secretary of State (RS 12:1318). The report should include the following information:

  • The name of the LLC
  • The address of the LLC’s principal office
  • The name and address of the registered agent
  • The names and addresses of the LLC’s managers or members

Taxes and Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Louisiana LLCs must obtain an EIN from the IRS and register for state taxes, such as sales tax and employer withholding tax. Depending on the nature of the business, additional taxes and permits may be required.

Recordkeeping and Compliance: Louisiana LLCs must maintain accurate and up-to-date records of their finances, operations, and ownership. Additionally, they must comply with federal, state, and local regulations, such as zoning laws and industry-specific regulations.


If an LLC wants to cease operations and dissolve, it must follow the procedures outlined in the Louisiana Revised Statutes (RS 12:1325). This involves filing Articles of Dissolution with the Secretary of State and settling any outstanding liabilities or debts.

It’s essential to follow these rules and regulations when forming and operating an LLC in Louisiana to maintain good standing and avoid potential legal issues. It’s also advisable to consult with an attorney or professional advisor to ensure that your LLC is set up and managed correctly.

Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana with Northwest Registered Agent

Pros and Cons of Anonymous LLCs in Louisiana

Here is a list of the pros and cons of creating anonymous LLCs in Louisiana.


  1. Privacy: Anonymous LLCs can provide a level of privacy for the individuals involved in the company, as their names and personal information will not be publicly available in the LLC’s formation documents.
  2. Asset protection: Anonymous LLCs can help separate personal and business assets, providing protection for the individuals involved in the company in case of legal action or financial liability.
  3. Legal compliance: Anonymous LLCs can be used to comply with certain laws and regulations, such as privacy laws and regulations that apply to specific types of businesses or industries.
  4. Business Separation: Anonymous LLCs can help in separating different business activities, allowing for a clear distinction between various businesses and their liabilities.
  5. Limited liability for members: Anonymous LLCs provide limited liability for members, meaning that members are not personally liable for the debts and liabilities of the LLC.
  6. Flexibility: Anonymous LLCs offer flexibility in management and ownership structure, as well as in tax treatment.
  7. Estate Planning: Anonymous LLCs can be used in estate planning and can help transfer ownership of the business to future generations.
  8. Anonymity can be beneficial for certain businesses: Anonymous LLCs can be beneficial for specific types of businesses, such as those in the real estate or cryptocurrency industries, where anonymity can provide an added layer of security and protection.


  1. Lack of complete anonymity: While anonymous LLCs can provide a level of privacy, they are not a guarantee of complete anonymity, and there may be other ways for someone to discover the identity of the members or managers of the LLC.
  2. Cost: Setting up an anonymous LLC may require additional legal and financial costs, such as the cost of setting up a separate legal entity or hiring a registered agent.
  3. Complexity: Anonymous LLCs can be complex to set up and maintain, requiring careful attention to legal and financial compliance.
  4. Limited to certain businesses: Some businesses may be restricted from forming an anonymous LLC.
  5. Can be viewed with suspicion: Anonymous LLCs may be viewed with suspicion by banks and other financial institutions, making it harder to open bank accounts or secure funding for the LLC.
  6. Complexity in Taxation: Anonymous LLCs can be complex to handle when it comes to taxation, as different layers of LLCs may have different tax implications.
  7. Difficulty in obtaining financing: Anonymous LLCs may have a harder time obtaining financing, as banks and other financial institutions may be hesitant to lend money to anonymous entities.
  8. Difficulty in building trust with customers: Anonymous LLCs may have a harder time building trust with customers, as the anonymity of the company may be viewed with suspicion.
  9. Difficulty in finding a business partner: Anonymous LLCs may have a harder time finding a business partner, as potential partners may be hesitant to work with an anonymous entity.
  10. Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering laws: Anonymous LLCs may have a harder time complying with anti-money laundering laws, as the anonymity of the company may make it harder to identify the beneficial owners of the LLC.


To sum up, opting for the establishment of an anonymous LLC in Louisiana proves to be a practical choice for those desiring privacy in their business dealings. By adhering to the procedures elucidated in this article, you can ensure the proper registration of your LLC and safeguard your personal information.

It is imperative to recognize that, while the creation of an anonymous LLC can afford a degree of privacy, it does not guarantee absolute anonymity. Certain circumstances may necessitate the disclosure of personal information.

Furthermore, it is advisable to seek guidance from a legal professional to ensure that your LLC is fully compliant with both state and federal laws.

Form an Anonymous LLC in Louisiana with Northwest Registered Agent

About the author

Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., a distinguished legal scholar with a business law degree and a Doctor of Juridical Science, is a leading expert in business registration and diverse business departments. Renowned for his academic excellence and practical insights, Dr. O'Neill guides businesses through legal complexities, offering invaluable expertise in compliance, corporate governance, and registration processes.

As an accomplished author, his forthcoming book is anticipated to be a comprehensive guide for navigating the dynamic intersection of law and business, providing clarity and practical wisdom for entrepreneurs and legal professionals alike. With a commitment to legal excellence, Dr. Gabriel O'Neill, Esq., is a trusted authority dedicated to empowering businesses within the ever-evolving legal landscape.